[Geysers] Posting images in/with emails

Jere Bush jereb at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 23 18:48:03 PDT 2005

>From Jere Bush (jereb at earthlink.net)

Earthlink published an excellent article on reducing the byte count of
images for inclusion with emails. See the link:


I have experimented with the technique described for Windows XP and reduced
the size of my "Slideshow" screen saver file from 13 MB to 1 MB. I am quite
happy with the resulting image quality for screen saver purposes. I tried
the technique with .jpg and .bmp files. I also found that the XP procedure
attaches the image rather than embeds it in the email.

Attached is an image from late 2004. The original was 867 kB .jpg and I
easily created a 65 kB ,jpg without changing the original file. I used the
default 480 x 640 reduction option.


> [Original Message]
> From: Pat Snyder <riozafiro at earthlink.net>
> To: geyser observation reports <geysers at wwc.edu>
> Date: 4/23/2005 7:44:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [Geysers] Three Sisters closure,  AND...
> I am also on dial-up and I also travel with no email access for long 
> periods, but I'd like to plead a case for continuing to allow Gazers to 
> attach photographs to emails on this list, mainly because it is one of 
> the best ways to share information about new and potentially 
> short-lived features. I remember that it was through this list that I 
> first saw Tara Cross' picture of Butterfly Spring--now long gone. Baby 
> Daisy, too! Yes, I know I am one of those guilty of posting pictures, 
> but I do enjoy seeing other Gazers' shots without having to follow a 
> web link. Just my 2 cents.
> Maybe a size limit would be good, though--say under 100 or 150k.
> Also, Lucille, do you have access to email via the web? I know I can go 
> through my emails on the web and delete spam and emails with big 
> attachments before I ever start downloading them to my computer. I 
> noticed you are on Juno--you might go to their web site and see if you 
> can do that.
> Thanks,
> Pat Snyder

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