[Geysers] Rift Valley article

Cindy Rose crose61514 at wyoming.com
Fri Apr 22 23:45:52 PDT 2005

Hi All--

This just in from the Beeb:


Nice image of what appears to be a geyser.

I and my best bud will be in the Park May 6th, 7th and 8th. I am the dumpy,
limping fat woman; he is the tall, balding, artsy-looking fellow. We will
both be in jeans, boots and black shirts and will be laughing at everyone
and looking smug and superior. Don't let that put you off. We're really
friendly and mostly funny. Introduce yourselves. I'll do the same if I see
any of you on the boardwalks who look even remotely Gazer-esque.

Cindy Rose

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