[Geysers] Moderator Comment: OF Reservations

Carlton Cross cross at bmi.net
Sun Apr 10 19:54:41 PDT 2005

I must apologize for not thinking longer before I approved the recent
posting from Michael Jensen.  I should have required Mr Jensen to provide
evidence for his assertions before posting.  By a separate email, I have
asked him to support his statements and will post his reply if it turns out
to be helpful.

Please note that over the last few months, only one reservation has been
offered, once on March 8 and again on April 2.  These two postings do not
give evidence of "over booking," and there is one reservation involved not
"a number" of them.

Several of you have given already given appropriate responses.  Following
this posting, I will not post further responses unless important new
information is revealed.

Carlton Cross
Alternate Moderator

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