[Geysers] satellite imagery refresh rate

Laurie Brown lauriebr at netw.com
Sun Apr 10 10:50:28 PDT 2005

   I don't think the satellite images refresh at all.  The construction of
my apartment in Houston was completed in March of 2004, and it's barely even
a construction site in the satellite image.  I suspect these are just a
bunch of really old images that Google managed to get their hands on

Different area photos may be of different ages. I checked our place, and the
Subaru we got a couple of years ago is sitting there, a bright white spot,
but the little 'junk shelter' my FIL put up a year ago isn't there.

It's a fun toy to play with, though!
Laurie Brown AKA Dark Phoenix
lauriebr at netw.com
Chaos, panic and disorder. My work here is done.

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