[Geysers] Giantess

Whitledge, Vicki M. WHITLEVM at uwec.edu
Wed Oct 13 20:22:48 PDT 2004

After reading the message about Giantess erupting, I went to the webicorders (online seismograph traces) that are available on the web at   http://www.seis.utah.edu/helicorder/heli/yellowstone/index.html
I looked at the one for Old Faithful on 10/13/04 and looked to see if the Giantess eruption showed up.  The time scale is in MST, so it was a moment before I realized that I should look at 11:34 instead of 12:34.  I'm no expert but the trace looks more active starting at about 11:33:30.  The trace isn't the impulse type that you see with earthquakes but more like a steady vibration.  Is that trace likely to be due to the eruption of Giantess?
Note: To see the time units, you may need to zoom in on the graph.  Hold your cursor over the graph until a button appears to the lower right.  Clicking on it will zoom in.  The 11:30-11:45 trace is in blue.

Vicki Whitledge

A Message from Tara Cross <Fanandmortar at hotmail.com> Oct 13, 2004

Giantess Geyser erupted today at 1234ns.  I saw the steam cloud
billowing up
as I was walking between Sawmill and Castle after seeing Beehive at
The first series lasted 22 minutes; the second series started at 1306
steam phase at 1311.  So far (as of 1500), the steam phase has died
down but
not really stopped; there is now water mixed with the steam.  
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