[Geysers] New statistics posted

Ralph Taylor ralpht at iglou.com
Tue Aug 24 21:04:10 PDT 2004

>From Ralph Taylor on Monday 23 August 2004


Donnie Grisso correctly noted that the 2h19m reported Aurum interval is
below the recovery time.  When I examined the temperature graph it became
clear that a large preplay splash triggered the eruption detection
algorithm.  Further examination showed that the program was incorrectly
interpreting the data from the Hobo logger that we substituted for the older
StowAway last winter.  I have corrected the program and updated the
statistics on the web site.


Thanks, Donnie for catching this!


I will note, though, that the splash at the 2h19m mark did actually mark the
end of the recovery.  Despite rain almost every day and fall temperatures
(no snow yet) Aurum continues to have erratic, long intervals.


Ralph Taylor


>From Donnie Grisso on Monday August 23 2004



This is a question for Ralph Taylor. Ralph, I always enjoy seeing the latest
geyser activity electronic summary and alway pay close attention to my
favorite geysers. Your latest one shows the minimum for Aurum for the week
of Aug 14-21 as being 2 hr, 19 minutes. I didn't think Aurum came out of
recovery until about the 2 1/2 hour mark so I was really curious about that
time. The shortest interval I can ever recall on Aurum is between 2 1/2 to 3
hours. Just curious, Ralph, keep up the great work, and I welcome your
comments on this short Aurum..




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