[Geysers] Grotto Marathon

Matthew McLean fromyellowstonewithlove at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 15 01:48:07 PDT 2004

Grotto Marathon update from Matthew McLean

I don't know if anyone will get this before going out on Sunday to wait for 
Giant Hot Periods, but Grotto was in Marathon at 2230 on Saturday evening.  
At the time Bijou was zapped (still occasional small splashing) and Spa was 
in eruption.  I heard reports of Grotto being in eruption as early as 1930.

Hope this info is helpful.

-Matthew McLean

P. S. - In regards to the earlier messages about the new thing - if Mike 
Keller says that it is different than "New Geyser" that erupted in 2000 than 
I am sure that it is.  The thing is, then, that the two features are very 
close to each other - even appearing to use the same runoff channel.

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