.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>For much of the day I used my umbrella to share myself from the sun. Late this afternoon I used it to protect myself from the hailstorm at Great Fountain.<BR> <BR><strong>Gemini/Pebble</strong> exhibited much the same behavior as yesterday. Pebble went into overflow this morning over six hours before Gemini finally erupted. The Gemini series had eight , the most I have seen in a series this year. Crack spit between #6 and #7, but did not erupt. I returned to the area at 3 1/2 hours after the start of that series. The next Gemini series started 3h51m after the preceding initial. Pebble was not in overflow when Gemini started. That series consisted of only 4 eruptions. Rocco asked if I thought something had changed in the complex. Yes, I do, with extra long overflows from Pebble, but I have no idea why the overflow has shown a major increase in the length of overflow prior to the start of some series, or whether it has any significance.<BR> <BR><strong>White Dome</strong> had an interval of 3h26m50s today. <BR> <BR><strong>Pink Cone</strong> had a "normal" start where it surged more than once before finally starting. Pink Cone's interval today was just under 26 hours.<BR> <BR>"<strong>Rejuvenated</strong>" just kept clicking along at intervals averaging about 24 minutes, durations averaging about 3 minutes today.<BR> <BR>I saw three Fountain steam clouds from White Dome today; watched the morning eruption of Great Fountain from White Dome; but went up to watch Great Fountain's eruption late this afternoon. Unfortunately, the hail storm drove me away from the eruption.<BR> <BR>I saw two elk calves this morning near the bison herd at Madison Junction. The two swans were north of Firehole Picnic area. A second bison herd was at Fountain Flats. Even at 5:30 in the morning visitors stop in the middle of the road to take pictures, even though there is a pull-out nearby.<BR> <BR>I believe the mallard ducks on the lukewarm pool shortly east of the entrance to Firehole Lake Drive have a nest. Perhaps I'll get to see some baby ducks there before I leave. The redtailed hawk was flying around in the meadow northeast of Gemini/Pebble/Crack area again today. Two ravens were chasing it. The hawk and the ravens have a particular spot where they frequently land. I wonder if they've located a killdeer nest at that location.<BR> <BR>The white mule's ears at Nez Perce Creek (small meadow on east side of road, north of the creek where the Grand Loop Road crosses the bridge over Nez Perce Creek) are starting to bloom.<BR> <BR>Visitor conversation today: As I was sitting staring at Gemini/Pebble with my umbrella up to protect myself from the sun, a woman asked if I was a "prayer warrior." Another visitor jokingly asked some of us staring at Gemini while White Dome was eruptingm, "Why are you facing the wrong way?" We explained about Gemini, which was in a series. The visitor called his family over and after they had watched a couple eruptions of Gemini agreed it is a cute little geyser and thanked us for the information and the experience of getting to see it.<BR> <BR>Lynn Stephens<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>                                            </div></body>