.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>Will Boekel just called to inform me that he saw clear evidence of a Fan and Mortar eruption sometime overnight July 2-3, 2013. That should create quite a geyser gazing dilemma for us this summer.<br><br>It is interesting to note that this is the first time, in recent memory at least, that we have more than a few scattered observations of Fan and Mortar's minor activity before a reactivation. Will has reported a number of event cycles this summer and saw a progression in strength which included the gradual addition of Frying Pan activity, full Bottom Vent eruptions, and water in Upper Mortar. Since 2000, reactivations have tended to occur in early to mid June, but I guess it needed a little more time this year.<br><br>Thanks to Will for the information!<br><br>--Tara Cross<br>fanandmortar@hotmail.com<br>                                            </div></body>