.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>Hello all,<BR>
Back in 2004, my last summer in the park, I can remember a similar outbreak of norovirus taking place (at least around Old Faithful), and right around this time, too. Enough employees around the location were affected (myself included) that I can remember officials from the health department at the Inn's employee dining room, who were there at either the NPS or Xanterra's request. Any of us (employees) who had been sick were encouraged to speak with them -- I think they were trying to trace the source of the outbreak. I can remember a short article in the Billings Gazette about the outbreak as well.<BR>
This stuff is nothing to fool with. It can strike very suddenly and the symptoms can be quite virulent. When I came down with it back in 2004, I started feeling queasy early one evening, and by dawn the next morning I was so weak and dizzy from all the diarrhea and vomiting that I could barely stand up, much less walk. Needless to say, I didn't go to work that morning.<BR>
I will re-interate what Scott said, and that is to wash your hands while in public areas around OF, especially restrooms and dining facilities.<BR>
Andrew Hafner<BR>                                            </div></body>