<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top">I arrived in Yellowstone on June 9, one day early than my employment start date of June 10, I will be in the park till September 18. <br/><br/>A few hours after arriving in the park, I decided to go sit for a Morning Window. Morning didn't show up, but I found myself entranced by a "new" feature in the southeast Kaleidoscope Group that has been dubbed "Angle". Angle has major and minor eruptions, it's majors represent Daisy's eruptions, and seem to have been getting stronger and more frequent each time I have visited the fountain group. <br/><br/>Near the end of the week (Saturday) I sat for an entire afternoon on the Sawmill Group and observed some very nice Tardy cycles. Dog bone is having splashes that are easily reaching the boardwalk, and it and Thumping Hole's runoff was flowing beyond twilight spring. Penta had overflow looking better each cycle, and was sending runoff well
down its channel. But no eruption. Churn did grace another Gazer finally with a single eruption lasting a minute and a half, but today, the group was back in Sawmill mode. <br/><br/>Mouth is dead, killed by runoff from Dragon Spring pouring into one of it's vents. However, on the other side of the boardwalk, the Dwarf area is looking very active, with at least 4, maybe upwards of 6 vents active, at least one is periodic. <br/><br/>I posted about an event (possible eruption) at Topsoil Spring on Tuesday I believe, extremely low and deep thumps were heard on Friday, but the pool has been from 1-6 inches below overflow since the event Tuesday. <br/><br/>I have not sat on Anemone much this week (only 3 hours tops) but from what I have observed, there are two main things that I have become extremely attentive to: On the southwest side of Big Anemone is a new area of hot steaming ground that is developing holes, not looking unlike the new Fountain feature
when it first appeared. This new hot area issues periodic steam, and has been dubbed (extremely unofficially) as "Nemo". May this become a new vent? Only time will tell. <br/><br/>Big Anemone's durations have dropped significantly since my last observations last Labor Day week. Big is erupting for only 25-30 seconds usually, as opposed to the 40-50 seconds last Labor Day, this confirms my observations of the webcam this spring. <br/><br/>That's all I have for now, I will update again next week. <br/>Enjoy the little things!<br/>-Micah K-<br/><br/><br/>Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPhone</td></tr></table>