.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>THIS POST IS FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE READERS OF THIS LISTSERV AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE, INCLUDING PUBLICATION IN THE SPUT OR THE TRANSACTIONS.<BR> <BR>Bill and Carol Beverly and I started the day with a sunrise eruption of Morning at 0532 with pink on the western horizon. I came home to take a nap this afternoon, then went back to the Lower Basin for Great Fountain. I wanted to see just how short the Great Fountain interval would be since it had a very weak eruption this afternoon--a five minute third burst and no fourth burst. I had gotten the start of overflow and Great Fountain. One minute before the window opened, Bill Beverly called the start of Morning. Dave Leeking and I scurried over for the second half of the eruption. It was warmer than it was this morning, so we could see the water much better (although comet tails also have a certain appeal). This evening's eruption was also accompanied by pink on the western horizon--from sunset this evening rather than from sunrise. Duration of this morning's eruption was 17 minutes; duration of this evening's eruption was 24 minutes.<BR> <BR>This evening's eruption was preceded by an eruption of Fountain at 1158, which had a duration of only 37 minutes, less than the 40 minutes that had been the previous cut-off. So, although the post Fountain window of 8-10 hours hasn't changed, it is no longer safe to skip windows after a Fountain with a duration less than 40 minutes.<BR> <BR>Dave reported Great Fountain at 2159ie, for an interval less than 9h5m.<BR> <BR>Lynn Stephens<BR>                                            </div></body>