.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>THIS MESSAGE IS FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE READERS OF THIS LISTSERV AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE, INCLUDING PUBLICATION IN THE SPUT.<BR> <BR>Yesterday (6/3/2013) I noticed a feature I had never seen before on the west edge of Pebble Geyser, near the top of the area that gets inundated when Pebble fills to overflow. When I first saw it, Pebble was rising and was several inches above the algae line on the inside of the "crater". Water was burbling out from underneath a piece of what looks like an old sinter rim. The burbling continued even after Pebble had filled to the point where Pebble's water had covered the sinter ledge be several inches and Pebble was in full overflow. I did not monitor the feature closely as Pebble drained, but the three time I have checked Pebble when Pebble's water was 2 to 3 inches below the top of the orange algae mark on the inide of Pebble's crater, the feature was not burbling. Height=2 to 3 inches when the feature is not underwater. The bubbles rising from the west side of the crater when the feature is innundated are definitely water, not gas or air. The feature is intermittent but I have not observed it enough to determine either durations or intervals.<BR> <BR>Lynn Stephens<BR>                                            </div></body>