.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>THIS POST IS FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE READERS OF THIS LISTSERV AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE, INCLUDING PUBLICATION IN THE SPUT OR ANY OTHER PUBLICATION.<BR> <BR>As I have verbally mentioned to people the past two days, but forgot to put in my post about Morning--Morning can have 3-4 hour intervals. Marler first observed 3-4 hour intervals of Morning for a brief period in September 1957. (He did not find any earlier records of these short intervals.) Morning also had a few 3-4 hour intervals in 1981. And then there was the three weeks in August 1991 when all of Morning's intervals were "brief." Wouldn't it be great if that happened again in 2013!<BR> <BR>Each of Morning's active phases has had differences in the relationships between Morning and Fountain (and to a certain extent Clepsydra) during Morning's active phase. As far as I have been able to determine, the one commonality across all of Morning's active phases is that Morning does NOT like stiff winds, as noted by Marler and demonstrated by data from 1991 showing that the longer intervals almost always occurred in the late afternoon or early evening when the winds are more likely to be "stiff" rather than "mild." Yesterday afternoon (5/23) while I was waiting from 14:30 until 18:08 when Morning started, I noted in my logbook that we had at most a mild breeze, with the exception of less than five minutes when the wind briefly picked up. The "mild breeze" consisted of enough air movement from southwest to northeast such that steam clouds from Clepsydra's, Jet, and Super Frying Pan's eruptions, and Mornings pool were not going straight up. But the air movement was mild enough that needles and branches on the pine trees in the air were quiet. <BR> <BR>A final note: In my haste to get a report onto the listserv last night,I forgot to put my usual "disclaimer" on my posts. Please remember do not use reproduce my report on the 5/23/2013 eruption of Morning Geyser for any purpose other than your own private reading.<BR> <BR>Lynn Stephens<BR>                                            </div></body>