<html><body><span style="font-family:Verdana; color:#000000; font-size:10pt;"><div>Morning erupted today again at 1547 from a seemingly empty crater, lasting only about 30 seconds, but going at least 20 feet high! We were standing on the boardwalk in front of it. By the time I got my camera out, it was finished. Jelly, Spasm were all empty, and Jet was playing about every 5-7 minutes when we arrived around 1530. Fountain looked as if it had not gone for at least 5-6 hours, no water visible in the neck of the crater, when suddenly Fountain started at 1555, with some splashes again from Morning and a full Morning's Thief eruptioin. Thief continued intermittent eruptions until 1605. Jelly and Spasm both filled rapidly as Fountain's eruption progressed. Fountain was still in eruption when we had to leave at 1624. Guide Andy Klatt was with us and excited about his first, if very brief, Morning.</div>
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<div>The hole to the left of the path between the Paintpots and Fountain has expanded, with boiling gray water in it. Andy says it has expanded rapidly in the last few days, and A Fumerole has also expanded in size. Paintpots seem more active than usual. Something is going on at Lower! I may try to go back in before the park closes next week. Will post any decent pics soon.</div>
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<div>Bill Warnock</div></span></body></html>