<br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Today 18 August 2012 Dick Powell saw two eruptions of the unnamed geyser on Geyser Hill near Sponge at 0953 and 1221. Each eruption was two bursts, and he has pictures of the one at 1221 taken from the boardwalk near Sponge. Height estimate is 4'-5' with 2 bursts of short 5-10 seconds? duration. The feature is about 2/5 of the distance between Plate and Boardwalk (closer to Plate) , and Dick located a hole on the UGB Geologic map that may be the location of the feature. I saw the second eruption from the porch of the Lower Store today. Dick and I also saw it erupt in July but did not know the exact location.<br>
<br> This does seem to be what Scott Bryan described that he observed in 2010.<br><br> Did the webcam folks see these or other eruptions of it today?<br><br> Mary Beth Schwarz<br>