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THIS POST IS FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE READERS OF THIS LISTSERV AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE, INCLUDING PUBLICATION IN THE SPUT OR TRANSACTIONS (Tara does have permission to incorporate it into the Current Geyser Activity column for The Sput).<BR> <BR>Since I didn't have internet access during most of my late June-early July trip, I did not post any information on the listserv. Two things I noticed about the "small" geysers in the Fountain Complex. Jet intervals--Jet's intervals during the 6/30 eruption of Morning and for the first hours following the 6/30 eruption of Morning acted the way they did in 1991 when Morning was active. Jet did erupt during the 6/30 eruption of Morning, but eruptions were several minutes apart, not the 1-3 minute intervals Jet has during eruptions of Fountain. Also, following the 6/30 eruption of Morning, Jet's intervals immediately dropped to 3-4 minutes, then gradually rose over the next few hours. Following an eruption of Fountain, Jet was sometimes quiet for a few hours. This reversal of pattern was also seen in 1991.<BR> <BR>With respect to Twig, Twig's average (mean) start time after the start of a Fountain eruption (from May 14 through July 22) has been 34 minutes. Only four times has a Twig start been recorded 25 or fewer minutes after the start of Fountain. These were 17 minutes (1201 Fountain following the 616ns Morning on 6/30), 15 minutes (1551 Fountain following the 1034 eruption of Morning on 6/21), 25 minutes (1812 Fountain following the 1234ie Morning on 6/20) and 20 minutes (1458 Fountain on 6/13 which Maureen Edgerton reported threw lots of rocks). Limited sample sizes, but the early Twig start on June 13 provides additional evidence that Morning might have had an eruption June 12 or June 13.<BR> <BR>Someone asked whether it was possible additional eruptions of Morning were missed prior to June 20. Given the amount of time I had the Fountain Complex under observation from May 18-June 7 when Fountain was not expected, I doubt any eruptions of Morning Geyser were missed during that time frame. Between obervation time spent there by Chris Daubert and myself, it is also highly doubtful that any eruptions of Morning were missed from June 22-July 15.<BR> <BR>Lynn Stephens<BR> <BR>                                            </div></body>