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THIS REPORT IS FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE READERS OF THIS LISTSERV AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE, INCLUDING PUBLICATION IN THE SPUT OR TRANSACTIONS.<br><BR>I started the day at Pink Cone, which had an interval of just under 24 1/2 hours. I didn't stay for any additional details. Per steam cloud from Great Fountain later it looked like Pink Cone's duration was about 95 minutes.<BR> <BR>As I was headed toward Fountain Paint Pot Parking lot, I saw a second steam cloud go up, then a third one, so I had Fountain at 0704ns, with Morning's Thief also at 0704. Fountain's duration was approximately 48 minutes. Twig started just before Fountain ended. Late this afternoon I headed toward Fountain , arriving in time to see an eruption of Morning's Thief at 1749. There was water around the crater of Morning's Thief when I arrived prior to the eruption at 1749, so I knew it had not been the first eruption. Morning's Thief erupted again at 1817, then 1836, and 1845. We've had short (9-10 minute) intervals of Morning's Thief and then had to wait another 2 hours or so before Fountain erupted. But so far when we've had consecutive short intervals of Morning's Thief, Fountain has erupted within the next 10 minutes. This time Fountain started four minutes after Morning's Thief. Fountain's duration this evening was "only" 35 minutes. Twig started three minutes after the end of Fountain, at 1927. I had a 10 minute eruption of Super Frying Pan while I was waiting for Fountain. Super Frying Pan had a slight impact on Jet. Jet had an 8 minute interval before Super Frying Pan, an 8 minute interval during Super Frying Pan, then had a 22 minute interval after Super Frying Pan before dropping to intervals of 10 and 9 minutes, at which point Fountain started and Jet started having 1-3 minute intervals during Fountain.<BR> <BR>After the morning Fountain I went to Great Fountain. The eruption that started at 0916 had a 2 minute weak fifth burst, so will probably had a "normal" interval of about 12 to 12 1/2 hours, which has been confirmed by Maureen's report that it was in overflow when she checked it after this evening's eruption of Fountain ended.<BR> <BR>Two other pieces of geyser information:<BR> <BR>Pink was ie at 0456 when I arrived and ended ~0504. It erupted again at 1550, for an interval just under 11 hours. The 1550 eruption had a duration of just over 11 minutes.<BR> <BR>Labial also had a long interval today. I think I had Labial ie at 0456 (the same time I had Pink ie) per steam cloud. Labial was definitely post eruptive at 0500. Labial did not erupt again until 1722, an interval that was probably 12 1/2 hours.<BR> <BR>I had my first wrong way driver on Firehole Lake Drive at 1618 this afternoon. The vehicle and occupants were distinctive enough that I know they had not passed me going the right way, but instead had come in from the other direction. They did turn around though when I stopped them by refusing to move out of their way as they came toward me.<BR> <BR>The boards on the signs out on the highway that had been covering up the Firehole Lake Drive signs, including the little icons for No RV and No buses came down this morning, not too long after I had ranted and raved about the fact the road had been open since Sunday and the board were still covering up the little icons. The reason for my rant and rave was watching a 29-30 foot RV that was ahead of me traveling south make the turn into Firehole Lake Drive. After they had made the turn, they saw the 6 ton limit, so the passenger got out and was trying to help the RV back out. Thankfully there was very little traffic at 8:15 am but it's quite dangerous trying to back RV's out once they've made the turn, even when there isn't much traffic because northbound traffic is coming around the corner and most of the RVs want to get backed out into the southbound lane. At least there's some warning now before the vehicles get into the entrance. I've averaged 1.5 full size buses (Greyhound size) per day since the road opened Sunday.<BR> <BR>On a more positive note, I photographed sulphur colored Indian paintbrush, shooting stars, elephant heads, and wild strawberries in bloom yesterday between Pink Cone and Shelf Spring on the south side of the road.<BR> <BR>Lynn Stephens<BR> <BR> <BR>                                            </div></body>