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THIS REPORT IS FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE READERS OF THIS LISTSERV AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSES, INCLUDING PUBLICATION IN EITHER THE SPUT OR THE TRANSACTIONS. <BR>I forgot to discuss Morning's Thief, and water levels.<BR> <BR>When I arrived at 5:30 there was virtually no water visible in Morning and none in Fountain. (All observations are taken from the boardwalk, feet flat on the boardwalk because I don't want to tip over face forward into the sinter while attempting to balance on the little board siding. Also, remember my eye level is below most of yours, so my angle is different and I can't see water when many other people already can.) During the course of the day the water levels in both rose. By 11 am Fountain had started into the neck was was down about 18-20 inches from the rim. Over the next four plus hours it rose only slightly and only slowly, until the final rise.<BR> <BR>Morning's Thief--First erupted at 11:04 (4h45m before Fountain started), followed by eruptions at 1146, 1249, 1323, 1405, 1435, 1452, 1525, 1534, and 1544. It erupted at 1550 and 1554 with Fountain, then started boiling up to about 2-3 feet at 1558 and continued to do so for an undermined length of time.<BR> <BR>Lynn Stephens<BR>                                            </div></body>