<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10pt">I just got home from my weekend trip to YNP and I would like to clarify the reports of North Goggles on the 11th from 15:00 onwards.<br><br>I can verify that the minors reported in geysertimes.org for 15:25, 16:23, 17:50, and 19:14 were all true minors being at least 6-10 feet tall and lasting at least 20 seconds. I was in the immediate vicinity for all of them. The minor reported at 16:13 was definitely only a strong boil and not an eruption.<br>I took video of the Goggles activity that afternoon and will post an edited video to youtube soon under the name of RFL611.<br><br><br>Robert Lieb<br></div></body></html>