<div>Greetings and Salutations. </div><div> </div><div>Gazers come in all shapes, sizes, temperaments, and any other measure you want to include. We sometimes appear to have leaders, but we don't have to follow them. There are some general rules, but you can ignore them if you want. We can sometimes appear (or sound like) we are rude or unkind, usually that is not intended, although sometimes it is. I think sometimes we are just so focused on the geysers that we forget some of our people skills. I don't think I have ever seen Jim intend to hurt anyone's feelings. I don't think I have ever intended to hurt someones feelings in the park, but I know I have now and then. Usually it is when my desire to correct some geyser info kicks in before my tact is turned on. </div>
<div> </div><div>As for the visitor's center, they DO want to hear all geyser times and I believe they do make an effort to record them all. However this is only part of what they do and it can be very busy and noisy in the Visitor's Center. Sometimes they do not hear the radio calls over the noise or are helping someone else and cannot respond. This is most likely to be true just after OF erupts but can happen at any time. Also, it is possible that you know more about the geyser than the ranger hearing the call and they may not understand. There are several new rangers on the desk and they just started. A call of Uncertain Geyser can lead to confusion on the part of the ranger for example. Some of them are just learning the ropes so I do ask that you try to understand any problems may just be a misunderstanding. They are human, and sometimes are very busy humans. </div>
<div> </div><div>These topics come up now and again. I think on the whole everyone involved wants to do the kind and correct thing, but sometimes we fall short. </div><div> </div><div>Stephen Eide</div>