<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>On 27 June 2011:<br><br> Aurum 2205 from Trish Miller<br><br> Fountain 2057 (d=32m) from Tara<br><br> Grand 1819 (D9/T1Q) Jim S.<br><br> Rift 1637 (end 1819) Jim S.<br><br> On 28 June:<br>
<br> Aurum 0516, 1024, 1441<br><br> "Bulger's Hole" 1250 ie 2'-4'<br><br> Beehive 0534 (Beehive's Indicator 0514)<br><br> Castle 0439ie MAJOR<br><br> Churn 1038<br><br> Daisy 0612, 1112, 1338<br>
<br> Depression 0512, 0915<br><br> Fountain 0812ns<br><br> Grand 0318 elec, 1320 (T2Q) d= 9m 59s<br><br> Grotto 0514ie, 1218ie<br><br> Little Cub 0908ie, 0945ie, 1425ie<br><br> Oblong 1224<br>
<br> Plume 0538, 0732, 0834, 0930, 1026, 1405<br><br> Rift 1029 (end 1140)<br><br> Riverside 0553, 1146<br><br> Rocket 1248<br><br> Sawmill1251 (1345 still ie)<br><br> Sputnik 1013ie, 1022 (d~17s), 1115 (d<1m), 1158, 1204, 1210, 1217, 1231<br>
<br> West Triplet 1010ie (end 1048)<br> <br> 28 June was a beautiful, warm day for watching geysers. Mike Lang had looked at Fan & Mortar this morning, but the cycle was not of interest. Bill Warnock went down to F&M while some of us headed to Grand and at 1122 there was a River pause and Main Vent was splashing. With Rift ie, the gazers headed to see what was going on at F&M while I watched Turbans, but F&M did not erupt.<br>
<br> The new hole in front of Bulger is enlarging and has a hole at the top edge now too. Scott Grisso saw it erupt about 2' and someone else saw 3-4 feet just before Scott. After Grand it appeared to be filling but dropped. It rose a bit and drained again. Bulger had some majors while we were at Grand.<br>
<br> This afternoon about 1430 someone had a call that there was a bad bison jam at 7 mile bridge. I left the UGB at 1500 and saw a very large herd of bison just before Madison Jct. to the north of the road in the meadow. At 7 mile bridge the small group of cows and calves were resting in the grass at the parking for the overlook off the road. I hope the large herd does not try to go to Fountain Flat on the road.<br>
<br> Mary Beth Schwarz<br>