<br><br><br><br><br><br> 26 June 2011:<br><br> Grand 2036 (T3#Q) d=13m<br><br> Rift 1801 (d= 82m)<br><br> 27 June:<br><br> Aurum 1206, 1546<br><br> Beehive's Indicator 1149 (<1m), 1209 (<1m)<br>
<br> Castle 0032 MAJOR elec, 1426 MAJOR<br><br> Daisy 0153 elec, 0438 elec, 0723, 1010vr, 1510<br><br> Dilapidated 1217<br><br> Depression 1221ie, 1542<br><br> Fountain 0929 (d= 34m), 1504ns<br>
<br> Great Fountain prediction from Maureen was 1620-1650<br><br> Grand 0802 (T3Q) d= 10m16s (long interval from the 2036 on 6/26)<br><br> Grotto 0841ie<br><br> Little Cub 0947ie, 1455ie, 1529ie<br>
<br> Little Brother 0837ie<br><br> Oblong 0833ie<br><br> Plume 0508, 0710ie, 0806, 0907, 1007, 1101, 1201, 1256, 1349, 1443, 1536<br><br> Riverside 0558ns, 1146<br><br> Sawmill 0703ie<br>
<br> Spa 1224<br><br> West Triplet 0701 (d= 32m)<br><br> Thanks again to all who provided eruption times.<br><br> This afternoon at 1612 there were 5 bison (a bull, 2 calves, 2 cows) walking on the road toward OF near Christmas Tree Rock with a line of cars behind them. North of Madison Jct there were still two bull bison in the meadow at the overlook. Jim saw a bear on the way in this morning past the road for Firehole Canyon.<br>
<br> Mary Beth Schwarz<br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br>