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I had plans to do something other than Fountain Geyser this morning, but when I stopped to check it about 6:00 am just to make certain it wasn't working on another 13+ hour interval, Spasm was ie, which sucked me in to staying. Counting that ie eruption, I saw four eruptions of Spasm, all apparently short duration eruptions, before Fountain finally erupted at 12:28. (When Morning's Thief didn't start bubbling until about 9:30, I knew I was in for a long sit, but I was bundled up and decided just to stay there.) Duration of Fountain was only 31 minutes. I'm not going back this evening though since it could erupt anytime between about 8:30 pm and 1:30 am based on recent intervals.<BR>
I lucked out and caught an Atomizer major this afternoon. Quadruple interval was just about 16h50m average. (Once again, the logbook is in the pickup so I'm doing part of this from memory.)<BR>
One Flood major to major interval of about 50 minutes.<BR>
Firehole Lake Drive opens tomorrow, so you all know where I'll be, assuming the roads into and in the Park are open. We had light snow storms most of today mixed with periods of sun and blue sky. About 3 this afternoon though the light corn snow turned to huge fluffy flakes. As I drove out the flakes kept getting bigger. From Madison to West the slush was starting to build up on the road. Hopefully this passes through quickly.<BR>
Lynn<BR>                                            </body>