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My logbook is in the pickup and I'm in the West Yellowstone Library so I can't give exact times, but the first Atomizer to Atomizer major sighting was 51hr15m, for a 17hr05m average.<BR>
Fountain--5/23 eruption at 21:30; I did not stay for the duration because it was dark and the bears haven't received their eviction notice from the Lower Basin yet. I arrived at 05:24 this morning. Bearclaw was active. Morning's Thief was periodically bubbling up in the tube, almost to ground level. This activity told me I had not yet missed an eruption of Fountain since these things don't start happening until sometime between 7 and 8 hours after the preceding Fountain eruption. Fountain finally erupted at 11:08. I am certain this was a closed interval of 13h38m. Again, my logbook is in the pickup, but the first eruption of Morning's Thief that I saw was almost 3 hours before Fountain finally erupted. (I had to make a couple trips to the parking lot for warmer boots, rest room, etc., so I could have missed an eruption before that.) I told Maureen I am not going out there this evening since Fountain could erupt anytime between about 7 and midnight tonight, based on performance the past few days.<BR>
FYI--No bus, No RV, GVW limit 12,000 pounds went up on Firehole Lake Drive yesterday. (The road is supposed to open Friday.) Southbound traffic has some warning since there are little pictures on the Firehole Lake Drive sign a few hundred yards before the turn. There is no such sign for northbound traffic. Northbound traffic comes around the curve past Whiskey Flats, makes the right hand turn onto Firehole Lake Drive, then sees little signs on a post several dozen yards inside the entrance. I talked with one Ranger and left a voice mail for another expressing my concern about placement of those signs. I see a safety concern with vehicles that have made the turn, then are confronted with a decision--either illegally proceed along the drive, or attempt to back a big rig out into traffic.<BR>
Lynn<BR>                                            </body>