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I was reminded that I should fill in the blanks on what we've seen at Fan & Mortar. <BR>
The 1/2 cam observation of an afternoon eruption may be correct. On 1/3 during the geyser predict ski, bison prevented the ranger from approaching F&M very closely. From a distance it looked like the snow near the geysers was in place, but the marker couldn't be seen from that distance. There was no predict schedule on 1/4; on 1/5 the snow looked similar to its appearance on 1/3, but the marker was gone and was replaced that morning. <BR>
This morning, 1/8, that marker is still in place. <BR>
Also this morning visitors saw Grand erupt near 0852, Riverside was in eruption as they skied downbasin but was done by 0830, and I saw an Oblong steam cloud at 0923 i.e., and Grotto i.e. at 0926. Bijou was off at 0936 when I got there (rare for me to see, anyway), and was back on at 0939, for what that's worth.<BR>
It looks like the Geyser Hill downloads went to computers elsewhere, so we'll need to wait for Ralph's analysis to know more on the Hill.<BR>
Also, Rita Garcia saw Sponge erupting to two feet on the Giantess afternoon, 1/3, around 1530.<BR>
Carolyn Loren<BR>                                            </body>