.hmmessage P
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This was the ice foggiest morning of the season; we got various "presents" today.<BR>
I saw a wolf on the ski over to work this morning, on the ungroomed inbound road approaching the Inn turnoff. It sat and ignored me until I figured it was time to go.<BR>
Fan & Mortar did not erupt overnight.<BR>
Beehive was seen early i.e. at 1322, and did you notice that yesterday's Beehive at 1314 was the exact minute of the 12/22 afternoon Beehive.<BR>
Bison have been parading first towards the Lodge, then back towards the Inn, with the last two Old Faithful eruptions. Both had vigorous pre-play leading to delayed eruptions, but it's mild out now.<BR>
Carolyn Loren<BR>
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