<div>Greetings and Salutations,</div>
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<div>I need to get my act together and post a report on the Ferris Fork thermal area, I'm behind in my posting. Maybe later today. However I did run across the Photo files for USGS and there are almost a thousand old pics of Yellowstone, most from the Hayden expeditions. Maybe everyone else has seen these, but they were new to me. The are at: <a href="http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/">http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/</a></div>
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<div>I tryed to post this a couple of days ago but I guess it did not go through so I'm sending it again. If you get it twice, sorry for the extra.<br> <br>Enjoy, <br> <br>Steve Eide</div>