<br><br><br><br><br> The afternoon was warm and great for geyser gazing after a chilly morning.<br><br> Aurum [from 18 Sept 1822], 0846ie<br><br> Beehive's Indicator 0530ie (end 0547), 0820 (d>40m), 1150ns<br>
<br> Castle [from 18 Sept 1425 major], (minor overnight 9/18-9/19) 1500ie (ns?) major<br><br> Daisy [from 18 Sept 1708], 0810, 1257ie, 1508ie, 1715<br><br> Depression 0532, 0816, 1113ns<br><br>
Fountain [from 18 Sept 1400 d=30m; 2003 d=32m], 0806 (d=31m)<br><br> Great Fountain [from 18 Sept 2235 Elec], 0928<br><br> Grand { from 18 Sept 2332(T1C}, 0914(G2C) d=11m 19s<br><br> Grotto 0640ie marathon and still ie 1600<br>
<br> Jet 0738, 0746, 0754, 0803, 0808<br><br> Lion [from 18 Sept. 2356ns], 0624, 0846 minor, 0928, 1043ie, 1155<br><br> Little Cub 1424ie<br><br> Morning's Thief 0806, 0813 (very high)<br>
<br> Oblong 0558ie, 0935ie, 1506ie<br><br> Plume 0542, 0641, 0841, 0938, 1126, 1215, 1351, 1438, <br><br> Rift [from 18 Sept 2120ie, end 2255] 1618ns<br><br> Riverside [ from 18 Sept 2144ie], 1044, 1710ie<br>
<br> Sawmill 0708 (end by 0904), 1421ie (end by 1425)<br><br> Twig 0828<br><br> [Uncertain from 18 Sept 1527ie]<br><br> West Triplet [from 18 Sept 2114ie, end 2139], 0825 (d=31m)<br><br> Mary Beth<br>
<br> <br><div style="visibility: hidden; display: inline;" id="avg_ls_inline_popup"></div><style type="text/css">#avg_ls_inline_popup { position:absolute; z-index:9999; padding: 0px 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 240px; overflow: hidden; word-wrap: break-word; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: left; line-height: 13px;}</style>