<P> Back again</P>
<P>I think this is the last part of my Trip Report 7-30 to 8-9-10. In the Fountain Group Fountain continues to be regular for the most part. It has picked up a few more annoying Short/Long intervals. It is easiest to see these when you look at Ralph Taylor's electronic data. About once a week Fountain erupts with a short interval of 4.5 to 4.75 hours and about once a week it has a long interval of over seven hours. The rest of the eruptions are around six hours. Over the course of the summer it has varied from a few minutes under six hours to about 6 hours 15 minutes. During this trip it was averaging just over six hours. The overnight intervals tend to be the shorter intervals of the day and the afternoon interval tends to be the longest but you should not count on that too much. </P>
<P>Jet and Super Frying Pan continue to interact with each other. If Jet is not erupting when Fountain starts it will usually start during the Fountain eruptions, usually in the last minute or two of the eruption. After that it settles into a pattern of eruptions every 6-10 minutes. It will usually continue this pattern until Super Frying Pan erupts which usually will shut Jet off. However twice this year (and rarely last year) there were times when Super Frying Pan erupted and Jet just had one long interval, then continued with its eruptions every 6-10 minutes. I have limited data but it appears if Jet is off, the intervals on Super Frying Pan are 1.5 to 3 hours. If Jet is erupting the intervals are longer, sometimes over 6-8 hours. </P>
<P>Spasm usually starts sometime in the two hours before Fountain, on this trip they were all about 1-2 hours before Fountain but I don't know if you can depend on that. Durations were usually around 20 minutes and every once in a while it would have a longer duration, long enough to start filling Jelly Geyser. However even then it rarely completely fills Jelly. Since the eruption of Spasm heats up the ground around Spasm, when Spasm stops and drains it only takes a few minutes for the rocks to look dry and it can be very hard to tell if Spasm has recently erupted when you first walk into the group. </P>
<P>Jelly by itself this trip was usually low to very low. It was always clear so I doubt there has been any recent eruptive action from Jelly. </P>
<P>Sub did occasionally steam but that was all, there was no clear evidence of any eruptions. </P>
<P>Twig will often start about 20 minutes into Fountain's eruption. However sometimes it does not, and rarely it will start up to several hours before Fountain. </P>
<P>Morning's Thief is still a great performer. It usually erupts seconds to two minutes after Fountain starts, then 2-4 minutes later, and sometimes 4-5 minutes after the second eruption it will have a third. During this visit when I could see I always saw two eruptions from Morning's Thief and about half the time three. The heights continue to be 25 to 40 feet, with some that may even be higher. It is too bad the prevailing wind is usually from Fountain over the top of Morning's Thief making viewing difficult. </P>
<P>Out in the Kaleidoscope Group I saw Kaleidescope, Honeycomb, Honey's Vent, and something else near Drain and Three Vent. This unknown (to me) geyser would erupt for 10-20 minutes with a height that varied from 10-30 feet and appeared to be erupting out of a pool. It also appeared to erupt in series, sometimes when I was at Fountain I would see several eruptions in a row over a few hours, other times I was out at Fountain for hours and would see no eruptions. I did not see NTFL the entire visit. K-12 and K-13 were also quiet. </P>
<P>Stephen Eide</P><BR><hr>Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net