<P>Greetings and Salutations,</P>
<P>More trip report from 7-30 to 8-9-10. The Biscuit Basin Boardwalk is finished and looks (and walks) great. There are very few changes except in the back where you can now get closer to Sea Weed Spring and West Geyser. Black Opal and Black Diamond at almost at the same height. Wall Pool has disappeared into Black Diamond. The only issue I have with the boardwalk here is the sign for Black Diamond makes it look like it is the small pool to the left of Black Diamond, in other words the sign is in the wrong place. I know I wrote down some intervals for Jewel but I can't find them. Slit looked like it was about to start but I got tired of waiting on it. Avoca is still doing massive boiling, again I can't find the interval info in my book but I think it was about once or twice a minute. Height was sometimes just a few feet, sometime up to ten feet. </P>
<P>Filial was active with intervals of 3 minutes, durations of 20-30 seconds and heights of about four feet. I did notice a sensor by Octopus Spring to monitor the activity on the trail. It seems odd to close the area because people like seeing it. The only other geyser I noted in the back area was Spindle. In the front area Botryoidal, A-0 and Logbridge were active. Gemini was erupting in series for several days of the trip, Jim Schier caught at least one series on 8-2-10 and I saw it on 8-7 and 8-8-10. Pink Cone appears to have about a 24 hour interval now, it was seen just about every morning at about 0800 give or take a little. The first good size spring you drive by on the Firehole loop (I think Blue Lemon spring but I have a hard time remembering its name) was usually full with a steady run off, but once when I went by it was about 3 inches below overflow and cloudy. Narcissus appears to be working normally, but that is not from my observation, it is from the reports of others. </P>
<P>In the Black Sand Basin most things are about normal. Spouter and Cliff geysers appear to be normal. Sunlight is still doing weak eruptions with intervals of 8-15 seconds, height of about one foot, and duration of about one burst. For the first time in years UNNG- BSB-2 was not erupting. It was gently bubbling, but that was all. BSB-5 and Handkerchief pool were erupting and Handkerchief Geyser was boiling lightly. </P>
<P>In the Thumb Geyser Basin I waited at King Geyser with no luck.. Surging Spring is boiling and overflowing and the run off channel was wet so it looks like it could be doing more, however it did not do it for me. Twin Geyser is below overflow and boiling weakly and intermittently. Not much else was going on . Lakeshore is under water.</P>
<P>Chromatic Pool has the energy and it is HOT, a light blue color of hot water in the main vent. I have never seen either Chromatic or Beauty Pool this hot. However the overflow appears to be about the same. </P>
<P>Graham's hole on the other side of the boardwalk between Scissor Springs and Depression continues to erupt about once a minute with durations of several seconds and heights of 1-3 feet. </P>
<P>UNNG-PIN-1 and UNNG-PIN-2 are erupting just as described in Scott's book. Daisy's intervals were about 2 hours 15 minutes. </P>
<P>I'll discuss the Fountain group in the next note.</P>
<P>Stephen Eide</P><BR><hr>Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net