<br><br><br><br><br> On 31 July Barbara Lasseter called Penta at 1123ie. That seemed odd since Sawmill was 0931ie and ended between 1021 and 1030. Spasmodic was in early overflow and the Sawmill group was rising. Sawmill's water level was high but not overflowing and Tardy was high but not ie nor did it erupt during the approximately 1 hour eruption of Penta. Spasmodic dropped below overflow and the group was on a drain. At 1320 Sawmill started and erupted about 30 seconds.<br>
<br> On 2 August while waiting for Grand we saw Oblong start at 1025ns. At about 1030-1031 the bursts were not only above the dead tree as seen from Grand but also to the top of the trees in the distance, something that we had not observed before. The next eruption of Oblong at 1836 seen by Heinrich Koenig was small.<br>
<br> Grand has had more Vent delays in the last few weeks. Today 3 August Grand erupted with the 3rd Turban after the Vent delay at 1437(V3/T2*C) with an interval of 10h 2m but several have been with the 5th Turban after the Vent delay (Vent overflows and Grand is high and has waves and it appears that Grand will erupt and then Grand drops and there is a delay). Everything seemed ready today with fine waves at 1339 but then Grand's pool dropped. <br>
<br> Beehive's Indicator on 2 August had a short lead time at 1311ns with Beehive at 1318 (d=5m 16s). Today 3 August Beehive's Indicator was at 1114 and Beehive at 1137.<br><br> Mary Beth Schwarz<br><div style="visibility: hidden; display: inline;" id="avg_ls_inline_popup">
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