Greetings and Salutations,</P>
<P>This is for my trip to the park 6-28 to 7-4-10. Most of it is about geyser hill and the lower basin, I only make it down below Castle once during the trip. </P>
<P>As you know, Beehive has become more frequent and is erupting in a range of 9 to 14 hours, mostly in the 11-12 hour range. The time between the start of the Indicator and Beehive increased to ov er 30 minutes for a few eruptions but then it dropped back into the 15-25 minute rannge. With the shorter intervals Beehive is doing less splashing before the eruption and I saw no "Herb Warren" splash for the week. There have been mid-cycle Beehive Indicators seen, usually 4-6 hours before the eruption. I suspect they are happening frequently but at that time few gazers are up on the hill to see them. On 7-1-10 I saw a mid-cycle at 0952 with a few inches of splashing but no water overflow lasting a few seconds. You could hear boiling in also. It occurred again at 1002 with just a few drops of water and the sound of boiling. The last was at 1013 with splashing up to six inches and boiling but again with no water overflow. Beehive indicator finally started at 1334 with Beehive at 1257. A few days later I saw one more mid-cycle indicator. Kitt saw more of them and I have a visitor's report of BHI doing what must have been a mid-cycle eruption on 6-28-10 to about two to three feet. </P>
<P>Also, then the true BHI starts it usually comes up bubbling strongly and very quickly starts erupting, there is very little time where there is just water in the indicator. </P>
<P>The intervals on Depression have changed slightly, from about 2 hr 45 minute to 2 hr 50 minutes. I could only be sure of this when I looked at Ralph Taylor's electronic download. Some of the eruptions of Depression are noticeably weak, but most are full Depression eruptions. </P>
<P>Plume is still about every hour, for most of the week the interval was just a few minutes less than one hour. </P>
<P>The hole Graham Meech noted erupting last winter between Scissor Spring and Depression on the other side of the boardwalk continue to erupt. In fact I would say it is more active now than in May, with heights of 1-3 feet and intervals of under a minute. Graham, you need to suggest a name for this geyser. </P>
<P>Uphill geyser (aka the mouth) was seen ie every few days. Lion continues with the long series eruptions. Little Cub appears to have intervals in the 35-40 minute range but you'll get better data looking at Ralph Taylor's electronic times. Aurum does appear to be in summer mode but most ot the intervals were 4.5 to 6 hours. Little Squirt appeared every 3-4 days. Ear Spring was boiling from the middle of the pool like last October instead of along the edge like it usually does. Plate was not seen, nor was Dome. Giantess did not bless us with her presence. </P>
<P>The Sawmill group continues to do mostly Tardy cycles. Penta was seen several times for the week and Churn at least once. Unfortunately, not by me however.</P>
<P>Grand erupted with a 7-11 hour range. For some reason (mostly Beehive) I didn't catch a single Grand eruption. Daisy was in the 2:15 to 2:30 range for intervals. </P>
<P>Up White Creek there is a new Geyser. It is about a foot off the south side of the uppermost of the Five Sisters Springs. It had an interval of 1.4 to 4 minutes (usually 2.5), a duration of 18-30 seconds (usually 22 seconds) and a height of 1-5 feet (usually 3-4). It has three vents but only erupts from the two vent farthest away from the pool. I have some pictures I will try to send do send soon. I also have a short Quick Time movie of it I could send someone if they e-mail me personally, not through the geyser web site. I would like to recommend the name of "Filial Geyser" for this feature since it has appeared along side of the Five Sisters. </P>
<P>Great Fountain is erupting with an average internal of about 11 hours. The visitor's center is downloading the monitor at 0800 and again at about 1430 for better accuracy with there predictions (we miss you Lynn). For some reason the rangers from Madison come up now and then and adjust the time on the board. They do not appear to know Great Fountain that well so the times they are writing down are sometimes off. I was at Great Fountain at 1545 and it was not in overflow when the Madison rangers changed the predicted time to 4:30 to 5:30 PM. I have no idea how they came up with those numbers. </P>
<P>At Pink Cone the intervals appear to be in the 22-26 hour range. For several days it appeared one to two hours later in the day, then had one interval of about 22 hours, then went back to intervals over 24 hours. The bubbler that is in the runoff channel became larger and more active during the week of my visit. It is now a hole that is about three inches in diameter and 1.5 to 2 inches deep. This hole was not there on June 28. When I saw it late in Pink Cone's eruption on 7-4-10 it was erupting to 1-3 inches. I have some pictures and will try to post them later also. </P>
<P>At Fountain the intervals have usually been about six hours but looking at Ralph Taylor's data it appears Fountain will do about one long interval (7-9 hours) and one short interval (4.5 to 5 hours) once or so each week. I saw one 7 hour interval and missed Fountain once because of an interval of about 4.5 hours. I'll write more on Fountain later. There is a new hole behind the benches in the runoff channel for Super Frying Pan. After talking to Ralph Taylor it appears the hole appeared around 6-20-10. It has not been seen to erupt, all I saw it do is steam with occasional increases in the steam output. One of the junior rangers with a temp gun took the temperature for me, it was 168 F in the hole. </P>
<P>In the River Group Dark Pool had intervals of 18-19 minutes when I visited. Brain Geyser was active also as was the little stick filled hole a few feet to the southeast of Dark Pool. The mud pots were good. I didn't record the times for Mound properly, but the intervals appeared to be about 20 minutes or less with heights of 4-8 feet. </P>
<P>I'll post whatever I forgot and some pictures later</P>
<P>Stephen Eide</P><BR><hr>Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net