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Here is a summary of what I know:</div>
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<div>1) They will also be doing 2 other National Parks later - Arches and Arcadia. The theme seems to be that they are great places to vacation to get away from hectic modern life.</div>
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<div>2) The Yellowstone broadcast is June 28 using the material already taped and also a live segment to be broadcast at 0800 Eastern, 0600 Mountain. They were considering Black Sand or near the Old Faithful Inn for the live part. I do not know if the taped material will be shown before, during or after the live portion or if I will be asked to participate.</div>
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<div>3) They filmed wolves and interviewed onlookers on the morning of June 8, then interviewed me near Daisy in the afternoon about Geyser Gazing. They filmed my normal brief talk about Daisy to visitors waiting for the geyser, then filmed the eruption and my calling the time to the VC. They interviewed some visitors after the eruption, then got some distant shots of Grand erupting as we were walking back. What they will actually use and how long the segment will last I do not know.</div>
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<div>Jim Scheirer</div>
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