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Hello Gazers, an update prior to your Memorial Day visit. <BR>
I am happy to report that what I said "must be something in the Lava Pool Complex" is actually Pinto Geyser. Thanks to David Schwarz for the information and help. I have seen it regularly since opening weekend. The last two visits have both netted a 7 minute eruption following heavy overflow that had already been flowing upon my arrival. I have not stayed long enough to watch if it refills post eruption, how long overflow is, and have no closed intervals. <BR>
Fireball continues, with durations of 6-8 minutes, interval has lengthened a bit to 19-23 minutes. This came from 7 closed intervals on Monday, and 7 today. <BR>
Constant continues with intervals of 25-35 mins, most I have seen have 2 bursts, with 2 single burst eruptions with a nice push that looked good, but didn't follow through. <BR>
I have also seen Arsenic each visit, durations from 17-24 minutes. I have seen it on the last 4 visits, but have no closed intervals. <BR>
The breakout under the boardwalk near the junction has now created a basketball sized opening outside the boardwalk, surging maybe 1.5 feet under the crust and splashing back. Each visit I am expecting to see that the crust is broken and the hole visibly enlarged, but it wasn't today. <BR>
There is a LOT of water "around the corner" that pours through the Pinwheel area. <BR>
It's fun to have water in Porcelain again, the timing of the above 4 features can keep you occupied with duals or trios in varying combinations. I hoped for a quad today, but it didn't happen. <BR>
Now all we need is Whirligig. <BR> <BR>
See you on the boardwalks,<BR>
M.A. Bellingham<BR>
<A href="mailto:mabdepot@msn.com">mabdepot@msn.com</A><BR>                                            <br /><hr />The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/campaign/thenewbusy?ocid=PID28326::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_3' target='_new'>Get started.</a></body>