<P>Greetings and Salutations,</P>
<P>Sorry this trip report is late, my wife had the computer with her most of the week out of town at a conference, add that to my usual laziness and you have a trip report a week late. I'll break it up into a few sections to make typing and sending easier. </P>
<P>For the Fountain group Fountain continues to be very regular at about six hours The times are 4-27 0757ie, 1350 d=30, 4-28 1420 d=30, 4-30 0812ie, 1953, 5-1 1339 d=31. Spasm conintues to usually erupt before Fountain, but it can be over an hour before to even a few minutes after Fountain. Most of the eruptions of Spasm I saw had a long duration, I only saw one with a duration of about ten minutes. I only saw steaming in Sub geyser once. Twig was active but I only caught a few eruptions from the road. Fountain, the wind, and the steam conspired to hide Morning's Thief most of the time. I saw one eruption where Morning's Thief had one good set of bursts a minute after Fountain started and one eruption were Morning's Thief just came up, overflowed, domed to 3 feet and boiled but no eruptions. The rest of the time it could have done almost anything and I couldn't have seen it. Marueen Edgerton has seen more Fountains eruptions so far this spring and she told me Morning's Thief has usually been erupting. There is no evidence Jelly has been active. Jet is sometimes active, sometimes quiet. I think it is continuing the pattern from the last few years with Super Frying Pan where Jet is active until Super Frying Pan erupts, then it is quiet until either several hours pass or Fountain erupts after which it starts up again. Bearclaw did have intermittant steaming so I think it is having subterranian eruptions but nothing made it above ground. </P>
<P>Silex sping is normal, no sign of eruptive activity. I checked each time I went by but I didn't catch and "firehole" flashes of steam bubbles in the bottom of the pool. Celestine Pool only had weak bubbling/boiling when I passed it. </P>
<P>I saw White Dome several times from the road but did not catch any Great Fountains. </P>
<P>More in a minute</P>
<P>Stephen Eide<BR>
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