<P>Greetins and Salutatins,</P>
<P>Fan and Mortar erupted once during the week of 4-26 to 5-1. The marker was washed between morning of 4-24 and morning of 4-25, it was replaced on 4-25. I checked on it on daily starting on 4-27. For most of the week it varied between weak but organized event cycles and garbage. I was afraid it was in an erratic spring mode so I didn't camp on it too long. However I did make it down to the Fan and Mortar area on 5-1-10 at about 0728, At 0732 Bottom Vent started having a series of minors that continued almost up to the time of the Lock. The first splash was seen in Main Vent at 0736. For the next thirty-two minutes I saw splashes anywhere from two a minute to one every five minutes in Main Vent. There could have been more, but it was a cold morning and the steam made viewing splashing difficult. Then from 0808 to 0821 the splashs in Main Vent were from one a minute to three a minute. After that I only saw steam. </P>
<P>River came on at 0747 and turned off at 0758 for the first river pause. River was back on at 0805 and off again at 0813 for a second river pause, then back on at 0831 and off again at 0833 for a third river pause, and finally back on at 0835, Please note that Main Vent continued to splash through the first river pause and a good chunk of the second. </P>
<P>Bottom Vent went from doing a series of minors to a full eruption for several minutes at 0806 and 0819, After a few minutes it dropped back to doing minors.</P>
<P>High came on at 0838 followed by Gold at 0842 and Angle at 0844. The water levels were variable for the first several minutes but High started to rise and I quickly called a lock at 0854, Fan and Mortar erupted at 0856 starting with East Vent. It was a very good eruption for Fan, Fan regularly put water over the road and one good burst put water ten feet the other side of the dry Norris pool. Due to the cold morning and wind direction I could not see Mortar much at all, I have no idea what it was doing until the roaring started later in the eruption. </P>
<P>Norris pool rose up about two to three inches during the eruption but just boiled as usual, well, maybe a little stronger than usual. </P>
<P>One impression that I had was the strong activity in Main Vent with splashing for 45 minutes and it appeared to be getting stronger for most of t hat time. </P>
<P>The eruption was also seen by Chris Person (interp ranger) who was on a bike doing downloads and heard the radio call and a visitor who just happen to walk by just before Fan went into lock. The visitor later said when I told him that Fan could erupt over the old road he didn't think that could happen, but once the eruption started he became a believer. </P>
<P>Stephen Eide</P><BR><hr>Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net