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Greetings, <BR>
I made a UGB trip on Tuesday to beat the storm that was forecast. I enjoyed my first Fountain of 2010 in roaring winds as the storm front moved in. The morning time was IE, interval there was nearly 6 hours. We couldn't see Morning's Thief due to wind/steam direction. The UGB has been covered by Webcam, Warnock and will be updated by Steve Eide, that leaves my 1 hour and 3 hour stops at Norris to and fro the UGB. <BR>
Fireball continues activity with durations of 7 minutes and intervals of 15 minutes. That's right, it was in eruption nearly 50% of the time, at least this visit.<BR>
Lava Pool Complex exhibited one puny burst while I was there. <BR>
Constant contines at 25-30 minute intervals, with or without a 2nd burst approximately 3 minutes later. <BR>
Arsenic erupted with a D=24. <BR>
I won't regale you with weekly data, but will keep you informed if there are any major changes. After the roads open again, that is... I think I put away the snowshoes a bit too soon. <BR>
M.A. Bellingham<BR>
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