<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">This morning, with the delivery van, I pulled around by the YPSS #1, and saw an animal trotting on the bike path that was not a coyote! So I parked, and grabbed my camera. The wolf was trotting along. <br><br>At the Snowlodge, I showed the pictures to location management, who called NPS. Five minutes later, Ranger Colleen was there to get details and see the pictures. NPS LE is concerned about this wolf becoming a problem wolf like the one last year that had to be put down after it followed people between the dorms and main village, and then chased a bicyclist. That wolf had been fed by humans. Hopefully that will never happen again in Yellowstone.<br><br>I just thought I'd mention it on here. So, this time of year is probably not the best to sit on a bench with headphones in while eating jerky and not paying
attention to your surroundings while geyser gazing.<br><br>By the way, the conewalkers last night were not Xanterra, like a lot of you may have assumed.<br><br>Attached are two pictures of the wolf.<br><br>Karen Low<br></td></tr></table><br>