<P>Greetings and Salutations</P>
<P>Sorry this is late, just put it up to laziness and poor planning. I only spent a few minutes in the Fountain area and saw nothing but Jet with a 7-9 minute interval. </P>
<P>In the Biscuit Basin Jewel was erupting with 4-6 bursts at an interval of 9-10 minutes. East Mustard had intervals in the 6-7 minute range. I saw one big 6-8 foot eruption from Avoca Spring but nothing for 30 minutes afterwords. Wall Pool/Black Diamond is now one big hole, and it's level is only an inch or two higher than Black Opal Pool. I think this is due to the eruptions washing away the edge of the pool, but I'm not sure. I took pictures and I have several pictures from the last several years, so I plan on pulling them all up and comparing them. (When I have time) Salt and Pepper was a perpetual spouter, a bit higher and perhaps a bit wider than I remember it from the summer. The little pool below Black Opal by the boardwalk was unchanged. Island Geyser was perpetual when I looked at it. </P>
<P>In Black Sand the overall activity is similar to last summer but somewhat subdued. BSB-2 was erupting but only to an inch or two. Cliff, Spouter, Ragged, and Jagged were active. Sunlight Geyser had at least one short eruption to about two feet but I didn't watch it longer to try to catch an interval. I did see the hole between Spouter and Cucumber Spring that Jim Holstein described earlier this winter, when I saw it it was a fumarole. Green Spring wasn't boiling, but there was almost no debris in the wash area around the pool. The little perpetual spouter on the other side of the boardwalk from Green spring looked unchanged. The vent beside the boardwalk to Emerald spring was bubbling/boiling to a few inches. The spring on the other side of the road from Spouter was down several inches from its usual level. </P>
<P>On the main hill Bronze Spring was just intermittently overflowing. Little Squirt was erupting, I am unsure of the interval but I think it was every 2-3 days. Big and Little Anemone were normal. I did look at the new runoff channels between Improbable Geyser and the Boardwalk, I do think Improbable had another eruptive period this winter. I took some pictures and will pull up some of my old pictures of Improbable and try to send a couple of pictures in a lighter format later to show why, but not now, I still have to pull them up and put it together. Beehive was on about 18 hour intervals. Scissors Springs is weaker. The right hand vent still intermittently overflows, the left hand vent still boils intermittently but it now never overflows, even when it boils. The hole on the other side of the boardwalk up from scissor spring continues to erupt, although I did not get an interval. I did see some eruptions to 2-3 feet but when I watched it for 10-12 minutes I did not see another one. Depression continues on with short intervals of 2-4 hours. Arrowhead Spring was overflowing every time I looked at it and occasionally bubbling. Little Cub had intervals of just under an hour, I think in the 50-55 minute range. Lion had at least one short series of 3 eruptions. I am concerned it might have come out of the long series it was having but I have no proof and it all may just be fear on my part. I like the long intervals on Lion. Aurum appeared to be close to 3.5 hour intervals Doublet Pool continues to thump nicely. Pump Geyser has some impressive 10-15 foot eruptions with significant overflow. The little hole to the left of Sponge Geyser is dead now with no steam even. Plate was not active. Unfortunately Giantess was also not active. Neither was Dome.</P>
<P>I'll sent this off now and type in the rest of the upper basin later tonight. </P>
<P>Stephen Eide</P><BR><hr>Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net