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Gloria Pline called me to let me know that Ron Pline lost his battle with cancer yesterday (2/09) morning. <BR>
Ron turned 81 last October 3. He was a man of many talents. He never actually retired, continuing to work at his auto shop until late last summer. Ron was a talented weaver and many of us were the recipients of blankets for children and/or grandchildren. Each year after leaving Yellowstone Ron and Gloria made their way back to Iowa by a circular route through Utah and Arizona so Ron could add to his collection of Navajo blankets. One of his goals was to have enough blankets so he could leave one to each of their eight children. Ron played saxophone and clarinet for a local orchestra for many years. Additionally, he prepared frames from salvaged wood from local barns for his Yellowstone photographs. Every summer while Gloria was distributing home grown tomatoes from her garden, Ron had a stack of framed photographs of geysers to distribute to some of his gazer friends.<BR>
Gloria said most of their gazer friends have their address, but gave me permission to include her address in this notice in case any of you want to contact her: 812 Thomas Place, Dubuque, Iowa, 52001-3466.<BR>
Ron and Gloria had been coming to Yellowstone for many years. Last year their daughter Kathy accompanied them. Gloria said to let everyone know she and Kathy are going to try to make their annual Labor Day trip again this year. And Ron will be there with them, at least in spirit. <BR>
Gloria said to let everyone know she is doing fairly well; she has family and friends there to help her. She is comforted by the fact that Ron is no longer in pain, but asked that we send a few prayers his way. I told her people would probably send a few prayers her way also.<BR>
Lynn Stephens<BR>                                            <br /><hr />Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469227/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign up now.</a></body>