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Loggers told us Castle erupted at 0413 this morning, Grand at 0632, and the most recent Daisy was 0739. Luckily for some YA volunteers with me this morning, after seeing that the Fan & Mortar marker was still in place (good luck Graham), we caught North and South Grotto Fountain i.e. along with Grotto at 0905 (they weren't at 0858). We also saw Riverside in very early overflow at 0902 (not quite yet at 0858). <BR>
Skittered over the Beehive ice to see the last of Depression at 0955 i.e.<BR>
Beauty high, Chromatic low this morning (the exposed silica on the latter is very cool).<BR>
Oh, and lucky Madison ranger Steve Ballou saw two wolves on the Biscuit Basin cow elk carcass this morning, on his morning commute!<BR>
Carolyn Loren<BR>                                            <br /><hr />Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390708/direct/01/' target='_new'>Get it now.</a></body>