<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">I went out geyser gazing on skis again today, but this time breaking trail through about 8 inches of fresh snow.<br><br>OF 833ie<br>Plume 844ie (from distance)<br><br>Sawmill definitely seems in control of the group. Turban's runoff channel was filled with snow, as was Penta's.<br><br>I waited for a Turban (902) because Grand's pool was full, but didn't wait longer because I wanted to get further down basin.<br><br>Riverside was in overflow at 925. Link was having a minor when I went by, and had melted out it runoff channel far wider than it was on Friday afternoon. I'm pretty sure Fan and Mortar did not erupt between when I was there Friday and this morning. No icicles or crust on the snow. I waited for Riverside (packing down an area of snow by the signs to stay moving and warm), and it erupted at 1041. A few minutes after
Riverside erupted, a bald eagle flew by overhead. I'd also seen a pair of dippers chasing each other low over the river while waiting for Riverside to erupt. Victory has water in the pool, at the same level it was on Friday, but the runoff channel is filled with snow.<br><br>Spa was doing some nice bursts. I saw one I'm estimating at 15 feet. Grotto was on from before I got down basin, and still on when I headed up basin. Oblong's crater was empty, so it had erupted while I was down basin. Grand's pool was empty, and Rift was ie at 1108.<br><br>On the hill, Depression's level was about 6 inches below rim. The snow near Beehive had a crust about 4 inches down, so it wasn't nearly as treacherous as it sometimes gets.<br><br>Pathetic Little Hole (aka Improbable Geyser) has a new wash channel between its main runoff channel and the boardwalk. No bacteria growing in it, or visible geyserite deposition.
It makes me think that Improbably may be doing something periodic, so it is something I'll keep an eye on throughout the winter. While I was studying the runoff channel, Plume started behind me 1136. Old Faithful erupted at 1137. While I was heading in, I looked back and Lion was ie at 1153.<br><br>I'll get some pics up on my Facebook page sometime, including some of the New Old Faithful Visitor Education Center.<br><br>Karen Low<br></td></tr></table><br>