<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">I spent a bit of time out in the basin in the early afternoon. From the time I left the back parking lot of the Inn to when I was heading in, by the temporary VC (the ski shop was practicing out in the parking lot behind it), I saw no one else. There were ski tracks (I'm guessing Carolyn's) and boot tracks. My camera was not cooperating, so no pics today, but I'll go back out and get some another day.<br><br>I saw Lion ie at 1316. One of the other drivers had seen it mid-morning while out practicing in the Glaval, which is our new bus on mattracks.<br><br>The snow is enough that I didn't have to take off my skis anywhere in the basin.<br><br>Sawmill was ie when I was heading out (~1330) but the group was in a deep drain when I passed later (~1430). Penta had not erupted since at least the last snowfall. Grand was full and
overflowing, so I waited for a Turban, each way, but both times it dropped. Economic is cold. Beauty is cold, Chromatic is not quite as cold as Beauty, but fairly low water level. Giant platform has a lot of snow on it. Link has not had a major eruption recently.<br><br>At Fan & Mortar, Bottom Vent was on, so I spent a bit of time down there, until I got tired of watching Angle splash. If there is a marker on it, I didn't see it, but from the snow, it hasn't erupted very recently. While down there, I noticed steam from up by Grotto (which had been quiet), so I skied that way, because I like Grotto Fountain, but if Grotto Fountain erupted, I didn't see it. Steam from Grotto was blowing exactly in that direction though.<br><br>I only did the back side of Geyser Hill. Aurum Ice Bowl is definitely in formation. The ice is so solid, I couldn't get my ski pole tips to bite into it. Old
Faithful erupted at 1453.<br><br>Non-geyser stuff: I saw a Stellar's Jay near the VEC construction zone (I can't recall seeing a Stellar's in winter before), a gray jay flying overhead, a couple of ravens, tracks from coyotes.<br><br>I'm off the next two days, so I'll be out and about, but with moleskin on my heels, and double layered socks.<br><br>Karen Low<br><br><br></td></tr></table><br>