<P>One thing I forgot to mention is that Sub Geyser was active for all of October. For the first week of the month I saw it several times, sometimes before Fountain, some times during Fountain. The eruptions at that time were all subterranean. Maureen Edgerton told me she saw Sub often during the month of October whenever she was watching Fountain. For closing week I saw Sub with almost every Fountain eruptions including a series on 10-27-09 at 1100 ns, 1127 ie, 1156, and 1223 ie. Fountain erupted at 1218 D=32. For closing week all Sub eruptions were in the 6-12 foot range. By the way, if I didn't say it earlier Fountain continues to erupt about every six hours. The shortest interval for closing week was 5:20 and the longest was over 7 hours. Morning's Thief Geyser continues to be active and continues to have big, high bursts to 30 feet or more. </P>
<P>Stephen Eide<BR>
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