<P>First the data from the two Fan and Mortar eruptions. As Tara said Ralph and Donna Friz were at F & M when I drove into the upper basin. They did call out a progress report from F & M but the transmission was broke, however I did hear "main vent" so I started walking down. On the way down the next report was of contining splashing in main vent with no activity in the other vents of Fan. When I reached F & M Main vent was splashing and Bottom vent was ie. Bottom v ent would erupt for several minutes, shut off for less than a minute, then start again. The vents after that were:</P>
<P>River 1534, High 1535, Gold 1536, Angle 1541, lock at 1550, F & M at 1555 (East, then Main), Upper Mortar at 1557, then Lower Mortar a minute or two later, it was hard to see at the time. </P>
<P>On 10-29-09 I was at F & M at about 0840 and found Angle on. I walked over to Riverside to look at it, took a phone call and retured to F & M at 0916 to find River on and Main Vent steaming. At 0917 Bottom Vent started a series of minor eruptions each lasting 1-2 minutes. Main Vent showed first water with a big boil at 0921, River vent turned off at 0925 (River pause). Main vent splashed again at 0927. twice at 0928 (one big), twice at 0929, then at 0930 Main vent started splashing every few seconds. River restarted at 0932. Upper Mortar gave roars at 0937 and 0939. The last time I saw water in Main vent was 0939 but Main vent continued to roar for several minutes more. River paused again at 0943 and restarted at 0944. Gold started just after at 0944 with High at 0945. I did not catch when Angle started. Steam made seeing Gold and High difficult for a few minutes and when it was visible it was 8-10 feet high. Lock was called a few minutes later (sorry, I did not write down the time) and Main Vent started the eruption at 1009. Upper Mortar started at 1011, Lower Mortar at 1012. Upper Mortar, Lower Mortar, and Bottom Vent all were astoundingly high. A few minutes after the start of the eruption the sun came out. </P>
<P>More in a bit</P>
<P>Stephen Eide<BR>
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