.hmmessage P
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Does anyone know where Tangerine Spring is relative to Orange Spring Mound? Is it something you can see from the road or the small boardwalk there? I looked at the photo at rcn.montana.edu, but can't tell much from it.<BR>
I'm labeling my photos from last summer and wondering if I have one of Tangerine Spring and don't know it.<BR>
The RCN site says there is a Cheops Mound near Prospect Spring and Narrow Gauge Terrace. Any chance that it's somewhere in this photo?<BR>
<A href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/36288910@N00/4006512593/sizes/l/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/36288910@N00/4006512593/sizes/l/</A><BR>
thanks - <BR>
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