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Items from the logbook<BR>
Castle 1248 major<BR>
Daisy 0639, 0859, 1116, 1337, 1548, 1752ie, 1958ie<BR>
Daisy 0202E, 0416E, 0640E<BR>
Fountain 0917ns (end 0952), 1613<BR>
Grand 0405E, 1241 T2C d==11m4s, 2035nsie 2C<BR>
Great Fountain 0131E, 1221 of=72, p=8 1234E<BR>
Riverside 0732, 1324, 1909<BR>
Beehive 0950, 2217<BR>
Beehive's Indicator 0938<BR>
Plume 0617, 0711, 0809, 0915, 1014, 1204, 1259, 1353<BR>
Grotto 0645ie 1109ns <BR>
Lion 0836, 1805, 1917ie<BR>
Little Cub 1010, 1414ie<BR>
Sawmill 0608ie, 0945ie (end 1048)<BR>
West Triplet 1242,<BR>
Oblong 0624ns, 1105, 1612ie, 2033ns<BR>
Depression 0809ie<BR>
Sputnik 1245, 1257<BR>
Rift 1318 still ie 1339<BR>
Penta 1145 steam phase<BR>
Rocket 1243ie<BR>
Till 0311 major, 1345ie minor<BR>
Plate 1400ie, 0928ie, 1846<BR>
Pink Cone 0515<BR>
Little Brother 1035 active<BR>
Gemini 1136, 1145, 1201, 1210 (end of series)<BR>
White Dome 1201, 1223, 1312<BR>
Cliff geyser (full pool eruptions) 1721 d = 8, 1802, 1842, 1915<BR>
Spa active late afternoon/early evening<BR>
I started and ended the day listening to bull elk bugling near Steel Bridge. The Mary Mountain bison herd has started moving down to Fountain Flats creating many long traffic jams. <BR>
Overheard at Great Fountain:<BR>
11:33: OK, so this thing is supposed to have a fit here pretty soon.<BR>
11:37: So this thing's thinking about getting ready to blow up.<BR>
I had just commented that Great Fountain's water level had dropped after the big boil without an accompanying eruption of White Dome (Great Fountain 1-meter boil at 12:21--9 minutes short of the mid-point of my prediction) when White Dome decided to validate the BW theory that an eruption of White Dome accompanies/causes Great Fountain's pool to drop by erupting at 12:23.<BR>
At Great Fountain someone asked if I knew of any photographs showing the inside of Great Fountain's crater. I don't remember any off the top of my head, but said a potential source might be the USGS on-line library of photographs. Several people indicated they were not familiar with that site, so I said I would look up the url and post it. Here it is:<BR>
<A href="http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/search.cgi?seach_mode=exact&selection=Yellowstone+National+Park%7CYellowstone+National+Park">http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/search.cgi?seach_mode=exact&selection=Yellowstone+National+Park%7CYellowstone+National+Park</A><BR>
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