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Addendum to 9/5 items in the OFVC logbook:<BR>
Beehive 23:05 (2254 = Indicator)<BR>
Castle 21:10 minor<BR>
Grand 09:32 = V4T2C<BR>
Castle 7:43 major<BR>
Daisy 5:06ie, 7:11, 9:28, 11:37ie, 13:39, 15:44ie, 19:58<BR>
Fountain 5:34ie still ie 06:03, 12:16 d=33, 19:13 d=32<BR>
Grand 1:30E, 10:32, 20:04<BR>
Great Fountain 6:45 p=0, 17:53 p=0 oflov = 73<BR>
Riverside 9:51, 15:39ns<BR>
Beehive 11:31 (Indic = 11:15)<BR>
Lone Star 10:04 major<BR>
Plume 7:03, 7:56, 8:48, 9:40, 10:31, 11:22, 13:55, 14:45, 16:23, 19:52<BR>
Artemisia 19:00ie<BR>
Aurum 7:16, 19:23<BR>
Grotto 19:47<BR>
Grotto Fountain 19:35 d = 19 min<BR>
Lion 7:30<BR>
West Triplet 6:40, 10:34, 19:06<BR>
Rift 11:15 ie<BR>
Oblong 8:09, 12xx (I'm not certain I wrote the time in my logbook correctly so will wait for someone else to put the<BR>
correct time in the logbook), 16:53<BR>
Penta 14:37ie<BR>
Sputnik 10:37ie, 20:13<BR>
Depression 11:45<BR>
Clepsydra pause 13:13 d = 4<BR>
Morning's Thief 12:17, 12:19<BR>
Plate 16:40<BR>
Spasm 10:50, 12:10; 18:05<BR>
Super Frying pan 11:03, 12:52<BR>
TwigLabial 6:57<BR>
Narcissus 5:57 d = 12 min, 8:21 d = 9 min<BR>
Box Spring 5:54, 6:15, 7:13, 7:46<BR>
Bead 6:59, x, 7:57<BR>
White dome 6:37, 6:54<BR>
Pink Cone 7:14 d = 105 min<BR>
Pink 7:15<BR>
Till majors 8:30 and 17:33<BR>
Atomizer major 11:20<BR>
The gazers were kept moving yesterday afternoon/evening with three trips to Fan & Mortar before dark. There was an event cycle with Main Vent splashes at 12:52 called by Bob (I'm sorry, I've forgotten his last name. He used to live in Michigan, then South Dakota, and now in Utah). Rivervent and Gold turned on at 13:00 and Angle at 13:02. By 13:14 High and Gold were erupting to heights that inspired people to announce F&M were in a lock. East Vent was steaming and then splashed twice. Frying Pan never turned on. At 13:25 we knew the water levels had declined and the pile of rocks had lost the capability to erupt on that event cycle. All of us agreed we had seen failed locks before. Tara said she had seen East Vent splash before. But none of us could remember seeing a cycle with a lock plus east vent splashes that had failed to result in an eruption before.<BR>
At 15:09 Paul Strasser announced he had arrived at F&M to find water splashing in Main Vent and the system was possibly in a river vent pause. At 15:22 there was a definite River Vent pause. Main Vent continued to splash with large splashes. At 15:29 River Vent turned on. Neither Main Vent nor River Vent would yield to the other. Main Vent continued to splash through at least 15:36. At 15:40 Gold turned on, with Gold 2 and 3 splashing away. Main Vent still refused to give up. Although there was no more water, Main Vent continued to huff and puff. Angle turned on at 15:44. Water levels never looked encouraging although they were acceptable for the first several minutes after Gold turned on.<BR>
At 19:24 Graham Meech announced there were splashes in Main Vent. Most of us had not even arrived yet when Graham announced River Vent had turned on, then Angle splashed, then Gold Vent turned on. At six minutes into River Vent there was almost no water. Paul had called the start of Grotto Fountain at 19:35 (duration = 19 minutes) so all of us except Graham and maybe a couple other gazers went back to Grotto to watch the start of Grotto.<BR>
Dean Lohrenz was planning to stay out for awhile last night to babysit the pile of rocks. As we were walking/biking away Dean reminded us over the radio to watch the sunset, which was a delicate pink and lilac reflected by the blue-gray clouds. Daisy erupted against the sunset. I had just started the pickup to go home to the trailer when Grand erupted at 20:04.<BR>
I did not keep my radio on last night, so F&M may have erupted overnight. It was raining when I woke this morning, so I decided to come to the office to get this report out and do a few other things between now and daylight.<BR>
Lynn Stephens<BR>
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