Greetings and Salutations,<BR>
Most of the geyser times for last week have been reported. I did watch several eruptions of Bronze Spring on Geyser hill on 8-15 and 8-16. After that it still bubbled and overflowed intermittently, but I did not see any eruptions. <BR>
Penta had several eruptions during the week, just none when I was around. I did watch two nice Tardy cycles in a row, but neither Penta or Sawmill erupted before sunset. After that Penta's marker washed overnight. O, well. <BR>
Fountain continues to be a very steady performer. Lynn alluded to the relationship between Super Frying Pan and Jet and I understand she may write a more complete article on it, but this is the relation I have noticed. If Jet is active it will usually be erupting in the 7-11 minute range. An eruption of Super Frying Pan will then shut Jet off. Jet will come back on in two situations, if several hours pass with no other Super Frying Pan then Jet may start erupting again. Or if Fountain erupts then Jet will start sometime during Fountain's eruption, usually at the end of Fountain's eruption. If Jet is erupting at the start of Fountain it will continue and the intervals will shorten to 1-3 minutes as it has in the past. I think the intervals on Super Frying Pan are shorter if Fan is off and longer if Fan is erupting but I have only a little data to support that. The best way to predict Fountain's eruption is to know the time of the last eruption. <BR>
Morning's Thief usually erupts in the first minute or two of Fountain's eruption and then again about three minutes later. It may have a third eruption about four minutes later. Once you are ten minutes into Fountain's eruption Morning's Thief is finished. There are still some Fountain eruptions with no Morning's Thief, but that occurs rarely. The height of Morning's thief is anywhere between 10 to 30+ feet. <BR>
I have not seen anything to make me think Jelly has been active. Twig is erupting but I have few closed intervals. I still can't tell if Twig erupts in relationship to Fountain or if it is just on a similar interval. For days in a row they can be seen together and after that for days on end the erupt at different times. Bearclaw has not shown any water above ground level but it steams heavier now and then so I think it is having subterranean eruptions. <BR>
Stephen Eide<BR>
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